khan alam
2 min readNov 4, 2021

Art of stealing Electronic Locked Cars in the Real World

Pandemic has brought the world to stand still,however business are trying to keep afloat, and businesses had to close down due to the short coming in their business continuity and security plans.

As the world has gone digital & the world is struggling to manage their data,and the mismanaged configuration has given the opportunity to the world hackers and cyber thief’s have the edge over the mis-configurations.

Sniffing,eavesdropping,ransomware,SQL injection & Phishing,Cross Scripting, hacking into companies ,user accounts using different kinds of hacking methods at their disposal to wreck havoc on end users and business.Cyber crooks are stealing vital information from customers,and there have been a spurt in cyber crime’s due to lack of skills in isolating the issue before it is little to late,in acknowledging such breaches leading to reputation of the company going down overnight.

Here is a basic example in the real world,where the Cyber geeks gone rogue utilizes their skill to the advantage utilizing resources to their disposal.

Few steps used in Unlocking Electronic Locked Cars.

1. Establish network connection with victim car: either guess WiFi password, or scan cars connected to ‘any’ cellular network
2. Port scanning and find a vulnerable service listening at some port
3. Exploit the service to login the computer for the head unit
4. Command the head unit to “update” the firmware at ECU
5. Now you can send messages to the ECUs to control the car

Connecting to car using wireless or the network scanned
Connecting to the victims car using WiFi/Cellular Network

This is one of many examples a cyber geek expertise could either work for the betterment of the future,or work for thrill of being a junkie who shows of his skill’s,this is the skill of the future,required in controlling the digitized world in a sophisticated way rather than relying on a security expert for day to day issues,and how these could be avoided is a challenge companies are racing to achieve the CIA (Confidentiality,Integrity,Availability) for any system produced for the utilization in day to day activity,designing a system which works for the advantage for specific task at times is prone to security flaws by design and risk appetite is taken into play and certain trade offs are made.

By the time you are reading this article there may be geek,coding to find flaw’s in the system to hack your IOT systems, could be anything on top of your mind you name it.