khan alam
2 min readApr 1, 2021

Flying in a Pandemic World

As Covid-19 Pandemic has created an unprecedented havoc and the world is reeling under healthcare systems melt down, and Nation’s have not been able to gather courage to fight back, the impact it has made on lives of people around the world, has left deep impact on their daily lives and world is on a stand still.

If Post Pandemic Flying ever has to happen the Global Co-operation has to be the norm. Lives which matter have been lost Front line Workers are battling it out for a year now and the breakthrough for cure remains challenge even after different vaccines claiming it as remedy for now.

Taxiway to Runway

As new Covid-19 variants have put the countries on going into another lock down period, which will lead to starvation and hunger as most of the work force is paid either weekly or monthly and daily wage workers are the most impacted and countries across the globe have stopped thinking about the work force and their disaster management strategies to handle such pandemic have been futile.

Global Technology Giant and Health Science Giants will have to collaborate on an enormous scale, which will be the first in history of Mankind to overcome the challenge faced by Human race, as nature has been logger head with the human race. Trust Deficit between technology and health science has been a major road block which is causing distrust between countries and reliability of the claims made by Global Health Science Conglomerate has fallen flat as population does not trust the vaccine which was considered as golden arrow to curb the pandemic.

Inflation and Recession have created major panic, in the travel industry where most of the work force has been made redundant and airline are forced into re-thinking their strategy for their day’s ahead which look grim. The boom which the decade has seen has burst like bubble showing the short comings and how weak are we again such flurry of Nature.

Hope is a strong word in current scenario, where every leader has been thriving to work their ways to avoid deaths, but co-operation has to happen. Which again is missing? Co-operation, Trust, Empathy and Adaptability will be the way forward if Flying ever has to take place