khan alam
2 min readJul 31, 2021

Wishing Death to Soon

Life Starts with no purpose,but with a motto to survive in the initial days,going by Darwin's theory survival of the fittest.

We adapt based on the environment we are brought up in,many are in the process of surviving as a child mortality rate is quite high in the second and third world countries,where such numbers are not even spoken for unaccounted number of moralities.

The Struggle begins for most impoverished families,where they cannot afford a child or cannot terminate the pregnancy for the lack of facilities and monetary issues.Children born in the lower and middle class consider lucky enough,as they have survived the initial challenge to live to see another day.

Challenges are abundant as you are not the only child in the family seeking opportunity be it education or two square meal a day,competition in such places is evident,but for mere survival to get the top is a struggle day in day out,there are days where the roof of house is leaking constantly and the house is flooded by monsoon rain every years,creating chaos and re-building back,hoping to survive another year of monsoon is daunting task is one of many challenges as discussed in South Asian countries.

Flooding and people cramped in small motor boat

Happiness in such condition is only a dream,There are brave hearts who have weathered the storm and have desire to break through the shackles of poverty either by dwelling-in to grey area of work,life is to short and reality is clear and such death’s in the impoverished societies are considered in-futile,as one mouth less to feed.

Death is not a taboo,a blessing in disguise,as the agony of survival is harsh reality,the elite class always have one word on their mind is being immortal,science is always fighting to find a cure,but has some one asked the question,why do you hate death and can some one,wish death to soon.